By registering as members of the club player, parents, guardians agree to abide by the Clubs Codes of Conducts
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. TBB are committed to follow EH’s guidelines in making hockey a sport that is open, accessible and relevant to all. To read EH’s policies and guide lines click here to go to their webpage.
This website and the Club in general via its other outlets is fully compliant with the European Union (EU) General Data Protection and Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.
The Terms and Conditions for joining TBB HC can be viewed below. By accepting membership through teamo, you are accepting the Club Ts and Cs.
TBBHC is committed to developing new coaches and stretching existing coaches through offering pitch time, advice on course and in some instances financial help to attend courses (this is on an individual basis at the discretion of the Executive Committee. In addition to the resources below, coaching course information and dates can be found on Hockey Hub England Hockey's Online Training Hub which can be found on the link below. Please contact the Director of Club Hockey if you are interested in coaching with the club.
TBBHC has a Coaching Framework which incentivises our coaches to achieving the appropriate skills, expertise and qualifications. Full details of this including coaching fee rates and conditions are outline is the Coaching Framework document:
All Team Bath Buccaneers players and coaches should have a fundamental grasp of the core skills of hockey from an early age and should continue to develop these during their playing careers. The Core skills expected by England Hockey are found in the attached document Core Hockey Skills.
Regardless of the activity taking place, whether in a game or training, creating a safe environment for everyone involved in hockey is essential.
England Hockey strongly recommends that all clubs/ organisations and their members take the time to read and digest the policies and guidance. It is the responsibility of everyone within the sport to create a safe environment for all who participate.
Please click here to access Engand Hockey's Safe Hockey web page
You can also learn all the key core skillsthrough TBB TV and the Ryde Hockey Club Coaching Director channels at:
Additionally, Coaches can find a series of video resources on TBB TV for running Coaching drills and team plays. There are loads of fantastic ideas on here for improving your coaching session, so why not check these out at:
Please use the session plans as you see fit, they are numbered but you do not have to use them in that order. Have a look at our Season Session Planner Examples if you would like some inspiration on how to plan over the course of a season.
U8-U12 Session Library
U14-U18 Session Library
All teams and coaching groups are provided with a First Aid kit for the administration of first aid to injured players. For more serious injuries, medical assistance should be sought and the STV Reception informed where the Duty personnel can allow ambulance access to the pitches.
Coaches and key members of the club will be required to attend the relevant 1st Aid courses.
Players who have received head or neck injuries should not be left alone.
There are 3 defibrillators in the sports training village locations as follows:
Coaches should undertake risk assessments for their coaching sessions.
If you suffer an injury while playing for the Club, please report it via the link ASAP
In 2023, the UK Government and Sport and Recreation Alliance published UK-wide Concussion Guidance for Grassroots Sport which sets out steps to improve understanding and awareness of the prevention and treatment of concussion in grassroots sport where trained medical professionals are less likely to be routinely present. It is targeted at people of all ages.
The UK Concussion Guidelines for Non-Elite (Grassroots) Sport can be viewed here.
England Hockey have endorse the guidance which now applies to all clubs.
‘If in doubt, sit them out’ is the strapline, making clear no-one should return to sport within 24 hours of a suspected concussion.
Players, parents, coaches, teachers and administrators are now asked to read the guidance and familiarise themselves with the necessary steps to:
UK Coaching have produced an e-learning course to give you an essential understanding of concussion and its impact on a participant. The course will help you understand what concussion is and how to recognise signs and symptoms, and how to a participant’s safe and sustainable return to play, and can be accessed here.
England Hockey concussion policy can be found here
England Hockey concussion policy is under review currently and will be updated to align to the DCMS guidance.
The CRT 6 (Concussion Recognition Tool) can be used by anyone (i.e. non Health Care Professionals) for the identification and immediate management of a suspected concussion. It is not designed to diagnose concussion.
The SCAT6 Child (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) is a standardised tool for evaluating concussions designed for use by appropriately trained Health Care Professionals (HCPs). The SCAT6 Child is used for evaluating athletes aged 8 – 12 years old.
The SCAT6 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) is a standardised tool for evaluating concussions designed for use by appropriately trained Health Care Professionals (HCPs). The SCAT6 is used for evaluating athletes aged 13 years and older.
Both SCAT6 versions cannot be performed correctly in less than 10-15 minutes. Except for the symptoms scale, the SCAT6 is intended to be used in the acute phase, ideally within 72 hours (3 days), and up to 7 days, following injury.
Download CRT 6 (Everyone) .PDF
Download SCAT 6 child (HCP only) .PDF
Download SCAT 6 adult (HCP only) .PDF
For further information from England Hockey on planning safe hockey click here
More information can be found on England Hockey's Injury Reporting Webpage:
TBB HC will reimburse designated drivers for reasonable expenses for away fixtures.
The emphasis is on the driver/member to make a claim which will need to be submitted on the approved Mileage Claim Form to the relevant Team Captain/Manager for authorisation.
Claims should normally be submitted in December and April. However, in certain circumstances, claims can be submmitted at other times during the season.
Team Captains/Managers will authorise the claim form and forward to Business Control for reimbursement. The form includes bank details for payments.
The Mileage Claim form includes a standardised mileage for each venue in a background sheet. This should be used for calculating mileage for different venues. All trips will be based on a return trip to the University of Bath.
The agreed mileage rate will be 19.5 p per mile (updated Sept 2022)
Team Captains/Managers are responsible for ensuring that transport to matches is undertaken through the minimum number of cars necessary and for coordinating drivers. Max 5 cars.
Drivers should keep a record of their mileage using the form provided.
The Mileage Recording and Claim form can be accessed using the link below
The Royce Clinic is the official club physiotherapist, specialising in Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Sports Injuries.
This season, as a club member you are automatically enrolled to the Royce Clinic Membership scheme so all treatments are just £30.00 per session. This represents a significant discount on the usual session fee of £45.00
For more details of the Royce Clinic, please go to: Royce Clinic website.
England Hockey's SafeGuard has been created to provide role-specific safeguarding information for all involved in hockey activity dependent on their role. All young people have the right to be safe and enjoy their hockey. We all have a duty to safeguard and protect young people from harm. All hockey clubs/organisations must have policies and procedures in place to create a safe environment.
Team Bath Buccaneers Hockey Club (TBBHC) adopts England Hockey’s Safeguard Policy, Spirit of Hockey Policy ( formerly Respect)and works in accordance with the policy contained in these documents.
To go to England Hockey's Safeguard page please click below:
In providing hockey coaching for children and young people under 18 years of age, TBBHC recognises its responsibility to have a nominated Club Welfare Officer.
Lisa Hamblin is registered with England Hockey as the Club Welfare Officer and is the first point of contact for coaches, managers, players, volunteers, parents and U18s should there be any concerns about child welfare, poor practice or child abuse.
The Club’s Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People Policy can be found below:
All those who regularly work with U18s within the Club will have to hold a current DBS for the Club through England Hockey. This is done through our Welfare Officer.
For more information on England Hockey’s guidance on DBS checks please click on the link below:
In addition all those working with U18s will have to hold the apporpriate safeguarding training in line with England Hockey's guidance for their role within the club. This will have to be renewed every 3 years.
Changing rooms play an integral part of the environment in hockey, not only for their intended use but they also provide a place for pre-match discussion, debrief or to celebrate wins.
Whilst changing rooms may appear to be the ideal place for this use, they can also be an intimidating place for young people, especially those playing in senior teams. For full information on changing room policies please read the Safeguarding Master Document above.
TBBHC are alway actively looking for members to either futher their umpire journey or begin it in both the senior section and junior section. As a club we are in a very fortunate position to have our own umpire assessors to help you along.
Upon completing a L1 course if passed the club will reimburse the individual
£15.00 per game
The club will supply a polo shirt or Jacket to each fully quliafied and active umpire for games
All information from rules to courses can be found on the umpiring page on England Hockey’s Hockey Hub, click here to access the page.
Want to test your knowledge on the rules of hockey. England Hockey's Hockey Hub has an online test that anyone can complete. It can be done in sections or one go. All you need is a Hockey Hub account. Please click HERE to be taken to the page
During the season we will communicate with members about any junior festivals being held where we will invite any members to come along and have a go at umpiring, especially our younger members. We will have an experienced umpire there to guide you as well.
You do not have to be a hockey players to be an umpire. If you are interested in finding out more please contact the Umpire Development Manager below:
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.