TBBHC & UOBHC Partnership


Bath Buccaneers have been based at the University since the 1999/2000 season when a partnership agreement with the University was signed with the aim of jointly developing top quality BUCS and Club in Bath. A joint full-time coach was employed for the first time.

Prior to this date the Club, although well established and successful in the West, had not achieved EHL status. The University had no record of any success in BUCS.

For season 2006/7 the University Hockey Club merged with Buccaneers to form Team Bath Buccaneers to compete in weekend club hockey while independently competing in BUCS hockey as before.

Today the partnership sees Team Bath Buccaneers Mens and Ladies 1st Teams competing in the EHL and both University 1sts Teams competing in the BUCS National Premier Division.

Partnership principles

  • The University HC does not compete in weekend Club hockey unless by agreement e.g. Mixed Hockey.
  • Team Bath Buccaneers HC has no role in BUCS hockey.
  • Both websites to feature details and links to both clubs. To be updated ahead of each season.
  • Social media to be proactive with strong links between the two clubs.
  • Team Bath Buccaneers to offer "discounted" membership/match fees for students. Details to appear on both website.
  • TBB Selection policy/commitment expectations for Performance and Club Teams to take into account student timetables.
  • Jointly provide and promote the extensive Coaching opportunities available to support both clubs, whilst encouraging Coach Development.
  • Jointly recruit and develop club umpires for both weekend and midweek hockey.
  • Work jointly to encourage and facilitate player recruitment and retention including plans for Fresher Trials and Fair.
  • The University Hockey Club has a representative on the Team Bath Buccaneers Executive Committee.
  • Officers of both clubs to ensure effective information exchange.

Our Partners

Team Bath Buccaneers Talent Academy
ChemEco Ltd
Team Bath Buccaneers Talent Academy
ChemEco Ltd
Uni of Bath
England Hockey
Business control
John Moore Sports
The royce clinic
Spotters Hockey Academy
The Great Wine Company
Uni of Bath
England Hockey
Business control
John Moore Sports
The royce clinic
Spotters Hockey Academy
The Great Wine Company
members nameclub role
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